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Feedback System

Feedback from Stakeholders on Curriculum

Internal Quality Assurance Cell has taken initiative to collect feedback from various stakeholders- students, teachers, employers and alumni. This is done by the Feedback Committee. They collect and analyze the offline/online feedback received and make suggestions to appropriate bodies so as to initiate the action for improvement. In past it used to be collected manually, but shifting the institute on technology, it has been made system online/offline.


The objective of the exercise is to correctly measure the impact of all the efforts taken by the institution at all levels on the various stakeholders. The purpose of feedback in the assessment and learning process is to improve a student’s performance. This feedback is collected and trends generated through statistical analysis. Based on the opinions of the stakeholders, further action is taken by the administration.


  • Feedback on curriculum is collected from the students by uploading the Feedback Forms at the institutional website. It is collected online/offline and brought to the IQAC for its analysis. The Statistical data is handed over to the Feedback committee. Further suggestions are includes by college
  • Alumni Feedback is collected during alumni meetings & even online/offline. The filled in forms are sent for further action. Feedback is collected from teachers as well by uploading the feedback forms on the portal. Subsequent action is similar to the other forms.
    • Employers’ Feedback is also collected either in offline/ online for further action.
    • The teachers also give their feedback on curriculum which is available at the server and the received data gets forwarded to the authorities for further action.
    • The feedback committee collects inputs and suggestions from the stakeholders and further action to be taken is discussed with authorities. The decisions taken by the authorities are forwarded for action to be initiated.


  • The data get compiled and analyzed by the members associated with the committee. It then goes for deliberation to the IQAC.
    • General Action Plan after data collection and analysis
    • Annual Feedback Action Taken Report given after analysis of stakeholders’ feedback.
    • To make curriculum more effective, Add-On courses were started and conducted.
    • More activities planned for better results and holistic development.
    • Internet facility with high bandwidth has been provided.
    • Career guidance cell has been developed to prepare for law competitive examinations and employability skills.
    • Gymnasium has been modified with all sophisticated instruments & tools.

Activities conducted for better results and holistic development:

  1. Result Analysis for students
    2. Mentor-Mentee session
    3. Remedial coaching
    4. Coaching and participation in various activities for Advance Learners
    5. Seminars ,workshops and training programs
    6. Practical’s, Environmental Project, Moot court and Internships
    7. Visit to the courts, Jail and police departments.
    8. The Annual Social Gathering
    9. To make curriculum more effective, various Add-On/Certificate courses were conducted.
    10. Orientation Programmes- Soft Skills Training, seminars
    11. Career Guidance & Job opportunities programme
    12. NSS activities
    13. Inter colligate Youth Festival, Elocution & Debate competition

Activities conducted for raising social consciousness:

1  Visiting old age homes and helping the inmates financially and interpersonally.
2. Conducting disease awareness and prevention programmes
3. Green and energy audit
4. Plastic free campus
5. Reaching out to free legal aid clinic
6. Gender sensitivity, Human values and human rights programmes
7. Value-based orientation programmes

Activities conducted for promoting eco-consciousness and sustainability:

1. Distributing tree to the students and teachers.

2. Tree Plantation program

3. Rain Water Harvesting

4. Sewage Water Treatment Plant

5 Plastic reduction initiatives

6 Solar Water Heater

7 Energy Audit

8. Waste Management initiatives

9. Photovoltaic Solar Panels

10. Green & Environment Audit

Feedback and ATRs

Stakeholder Feedback Reports & Action Taken Reports

Sr. No. Stakeholder Feedback Report Action Taken Report
1 Stakeholder Feedback 2017-2018 Action Taken Report On Feedback Report 2017-2018
2 Stakeholder Feedback 2018-2019 Action Taken Report On Feedback Report 2018-2019
3 Stakeholder Feedback 2019-2020 Action Taken Report On Feedback Report 2019-2020
4 Stakeholder Feedback 2020-2021 Action Taken Report On Feedback Report 2020-2021
5 Stakeholder Feedback 2021-2022 Action Taken Report On Feedback Report 2021-2022
6 Stakeholder Feedback 2022-2023 Action Taken Report On Feedback Report 2022-2023

The college regularly take from student, alumni, teachers, parents, employers to enhance the education system. One can fill up feedback form print our online form the following link.

Sr. Feedback Form Feedback Form Print Feedback from Online Link
1 Feedback from Students on Curriculum Download PDF Link
2 Feedback from Teachers on Curriculum Download PDF Link
3 Feedback from Alumni on Curriculum Download PDF Link
4 Feedback from Employers on Curriculum Download PDF Link


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