Online Complaint of Caste Based Discrimination

The University Grant Commission is continuously monitoring the prevention of Caste based discrimination in Higher Educational Institutions by taking various steps. So guidelines and instructions have been issued by vide letters dated 19.07.2011, 02.07.2013, 07.03.2016, 05.09.2016, 15.05.2017, 04.06.2018, 14.09.2020 and 09.09.2021.

Hence in pursuance to the new regulation an online portal has been developed for the use of students/faculty/Non-teaching staff of the University. They may register their grievances and concerns regarding SC/ST/OBC discrimination and any kind of caste related injustice online, so as to avail proper solutions for the inconveniences they had experienced. This can provides a platform to curb caste-based discrimination at the College level and maintains an environment of social equality

Constitution of SC/ST/OC Cell

A separate SC/ST/OBC Cell has been constituted for providing right type of guidance and technical assistance to this category of students and staff so that they are able to perform better and avail all Government approved facilities and benefits.

1 Committee for SC/ST View
2 OBC Cell Committee View
3 Minority Cell Committee View

Maintaining a Complaint Register

A Register is maintained for the purpose of lodging complaint by SC/ST/OBC students, faculty and staff for discrimination.

Establishing a Separate Link on Website for Complaint

A separate link has been provided for online lodging of complaints by SC/ST/OBC students, faculty and staff for any type of discrimination against them.