Women’s Studies Centre – Dayanand College of Law

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Women’s Studies Centre

Women’s Studies Centre

The traditional social structure, cultural norms and value systems continue to place Indian women in a situation of disadvantage in terms of role relationship, decision making and sharing responsibility. Their social status is still shrouded by a variety of institutional complexes, inter personal relations and myths. To enable them stand in the great task of National development and to make them know about their role and status in today‟s social, economic, educational, legal, cultural and political spheres, this centre is constituted. It is intending to promote and strengthen women‟s studies through teaching, research, dissemination of knowledge and field action. The Centre has accepted the social responsibility to spread the feminist perspective, develop and empower the women and to create gender sensitization to increase the sensitivity of people at large towards women and their problems.

Goals / Objectives

  • To create a value system in society that accords explicit and spontaneous recognition to the contributions of women in socio economic development and respect their wisdom
  • To create a system that makes women conscious and bold enough to recognize their own contributions and make them feel proud of it.
  • To make the socio-cultural climate that discourages gender biased practices and promotes rational behaviour and response on the part of men and women.
  • To educate the students about the power relation between men and women in society.
  • To create self confidence, self dignity and self respect among girl students.
  • To assess women’s contribution to the social processes
  • To find out women’s own perception of their lives, the broader social reality and their struggles and aspirations
  • To assess roots and structures of inequality in the society
  • To facilitate research in areas relating to women and gender studies with special emphasis on issues related to women.