Code of Conduct for Teachers

Statute and University Rules


Uniform Statute 2019

Uniform Statute No. 01 of 2019 View
Uniform Statute No. 02 of 2019 View
Uniform Statute No. 03 of 2019 View
Uniform Statute No. 04 of 2019 View
Uniform Statute No. 05 of 2019 View

Institutional Code of Conduct for Teachers

Teachers And Administrative Staff

Rules & Responsibilities
1 Admission will be given strictly on the basis of seats allotted and with the procedure prescribed by the CET Cell, Pune.

No student will remain present without college uniform and Identity Card in the campus. Whenever demanded by the authorities concerned, the

Identity Card must be produced for inspection.


All should be punctual about cleanliness of the college campus. Throwing

out waste papers, defacing the walls are punishable offences. They should use the baskets and bins specially provided for.

4 Abuse or harassment, physical, verbal by any other means by any student in the College premises is strictly prohibited. This includes, abuse or harassment on the basis of upon such factors as sex, gender, cast, religion, race, ethnicity, colour, national origin, handicap, age, sexual orientation, and political or religious beliefs.

Attendance: Students will remain present in the classroom as 75% attendance is compulsory. In case of attendance less than 75%, parents will be conveyed and preventive measures will be taken. No student of

one class shall enter any other class under any pretext.


Disciplinary Code:

The unlawful possession, use or distribution of alcohol in the College premises is prohibited; including, possession or use of any narcotic substance, or carrying to the College under intoxicated condition.

Students found using drugs or liquor will be dismissed. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the campus.


Students are forbidden from sticking bills, writing, drawing, and painting

on the boards, walls, desks or anywhere in the campus.


Students found guilty of using foul language or behaving rudely towards the staff members, or administrative or non-teaching staff will be expelled

from the college.

9 Use of cell phones inside the class rooms is not permitted; lengthy and un- necessary conversation anywhere in the campus is disallowed.

Students are advised to read notices regularly put on the notice board and

not to ignore the instructions; also they should convey the notification to their parents/guardians.

11 Absolute silence should be maintained during teaching hours in the    classroom also while moving from class room to library/ auditorium and anywhere in the campus. No student should leave the class- room hours during  lecture without the permission of the lecturer
12 Any malpractice in examination will be prohibited under the University Act and norms laid down by the College from time to time.

Misuse of Resources:

In case of damage or destroying of the College property, the concerned student shall replace the same at his/her own cost.



According to the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999, UGC notification, directions of the Supreme Court of India and the recommendations of  Raghavan Committee, measures are taken to prevent ragging. Ragging is strictly prohibited inside the college campus. Students involved in ragging will be dismissed from the College. As per  UGC Regulations, the College has constituted Anti-Ragging Committee.



Code of conduct for Teachers and Administrative staff.

Duties and Responsibilities
1 To exercise and maintain central control on prime activities in the institution such as Academic, Financial and Administrative
2 To follow rules, regulations and duties governed by the Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded and the University Grant Commission, New Delhi.

To organize and attend meetings with Management Council and implementation of decisions taken in the meetings at institute level. To

submit report of action taken with respect to minutes of the meetings.


To involve keenly in the academic and financial requirements of the

Institution for approval of the governing body and the Management.


To check the proposal prepared for different grants for the staff,

Continuation of approval, variation of intake or addition of new courses.


To get affiliation for all existing courses from the affiliating body by

submitting the proposal in time.


To arrange governing body meetings of the institute by performing all

formalities such as preparation of agenda, minutes of meetings and implementations of all decisions.

8  To initiate disciplinary action against the staff and faculty as and when required for maintaining peaceful conduct in the premises.
9 To follow up and cause to amend all the pending proposals with various departments, and the government offices for speedy outcome.

To submit proposals to the management with full functioning about the requirement with respect to faculty, non – teaching staff, equipments, furniture, store, material etc. along with necessary details such as

specifications and company.

11 To prepare institute for applying for accreditation.

To take suitable policy decisions with respect for improvement of

performance of students.

13 To make suitable policy regarding training and placement of the students.

To identify HOD, faculty for deputation for higher studies, and for attending trainings, workshops, conferences and seminars at different


15 To sanction various types of Leaves as per the policy of the Government and DES, Latur.

To maintain discipline, making various committees and follow ups of anti- ragging committee, women’s grievances cell, safety and security of

students to enhance the social and academic reputation of the institute.


To arrange different programs in the institution in increase public relations

and interaction with community.


To be responsible for all the legal issues arising out of management of the


Vice Principal responsibilities


To prepare the departmental academic calendar, Time table with the

concerning of all departmental HOD’s and monitor the same

2 Monitoring of academic work of Science Faculty
3 Management of Guest visitors of college.

Controlling of all the issues related to Examinations (S. R. T. M.

University Nanded and College)

5 Attestation of Documents.

To work as the in charge Principal to the institution in the absence of

the Principal.


To carry out the work / tasks related to administration of the institute

assigned by the principal time to time.

8 Monitoring academic work of all departments.
9 Sanction casual leave of the faculty.

To solve problems of HOD’s, Faculties, nonteaching staff and


11 To organize non academic programs.
12 To monitor daily and monthly attendance of students.
13 To check and verify daily teaching diary teachers once in a month.

To organize annual social gathering and prize distribution function in

consultation with the principal.

Responsibilities of the Head of the Department.


To prepare the departmental academic calendar, time table, individual

time table and monitor the same.


To teach at least two papers as per departmental workload and

provided academic leadership to the faculty of department.

3 To monitor attendance and academic progress of students.

To organize meeting of the departmental teaching and nonteaching

staff every month and take the follow up of implementation


To ensure maintenance of laboratory, departmental library and

promote innovative practices.


To plan and implement academic program’s such as seminars,

workshop, conferences, faculty development program’s etc.

7 To maintain discipline in the members and staff.

To participate and organize curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular

activities and maintain records.


To carry out work such as setting question paper, assessment of

answer sheets and moderation.


To handle department in all respect to increase reputation of

department in institute.

Responsibilities of Assistant Professor

1 To teach with total devotion in the classroom.
2 To maintain students attendance keenly.

To make plan of teaching theory and practical papers and check

implementation of it.

4 To make strategies for assessment and evaluation of students.

To make healthy relations with students so students can solve doubts

without fear.


To make resource material for teaching and learning, curricular, co-

curricular, extra-curricular activities.


To prepare and share e-learning study material for students for easy


8 To publish at least one research paper in an academic year.
9 To follow rules and regulations of the department.
10 To strictly conduct all the duties related to examination
11 Follow duties assigned by Principal and Head of the department.

Responsibility of Librarian


To be responsible fully to manage the library effectively, issue library

cards, Identity cards to students.

2 To enrich the book- bank facilities for students.
3 To maintain accession register up-to-date
4 To prepare the annual budget of library

To make list of reference & text books and put in library committee for

approval and then place order to the party.


To process the books and periodicals as per standard practice and keep

the same on the self for issue to the members.


To circulate catalogues and book reviews for the information staff and


8 To make availability of important news paper cuttings.
9 And all other duties including reading room in the library


Exam Rules for Teachers