Programme & Course Outcomes

Programme & Course Outcomes


LL.B. (Three Year) and B.A.LL.B. (Five Year) Programme
Outcome No.
After Completion of the Programme, the Student will be able to: Graduate Attributes
PO1 Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of core concepts of laws including the emerging guiding values and philosophies in the Constitutional Law Disciplinary Knowledge
PO2 Express and explain the legal ideas concepts and knowledge conclusions, data effectively and communicate the thoughts, arguments with others using appropriate media using typing on various digital platform / social media Communication skills and Digital Literacy
PO3 Critically analysis the laws and apply legal knowledge, identify logical legal flaws and draw conclusions and real life situations. Critical thinking analytical and scientific reasoning
PO4 Apply the legal knowledge to a given set of facts and determine solutions from possible set of solutions. Problem Solving
PO5 Apply the concept of research methodology to identify and formulate legal research problem, conduct legal research and reporting the conclusions. Research Related Skills
PO6 Obey rules of professional ethics, upholding the dignity and integrity of legal fraternity and it’s integrity. Avoid unethical behaviour like defrauding clients, committing contempt of Court, plagiarism, fabrication and falsifying documents, etc. Learn and practice the Professional Etiquette. Moral and Ethical Awareness
PO7 Work independently for solving of a case, collecting evidences, drafting arguments and appearing before the Court, citations etc. throughout the legal course. Also work in a team and lead it seeking cooperation and involvement of the members. Cooperation team work / Leadership
PO8 Acquire skills required for life-long learning, updating, oneself with developments in law and society. Self-directed Learning


Programme Outcomes for PG Programme --LL.M

After completing the programme students should be able:

PO1– To gain in depth knowledge and approach towards core law subjects likeConstitutional law, Criminal laws and procedural laws and specialization subjects.

PO2– To understand the Indian legal system with its philosophical foundationsalong with the comparative study of other legal systems.Also,to comprehend the laws in its political, social,andinternational context.

PO3 – To develop their critical and analytical thinking capabilities regarding variouscriminal legislations and its implications.

PO4– To develop and promote research culture among themselves through various research activities, projects and dissertations.

PO5– To train them to pursue academic career as lifelong learners.

PO6 – To learn and develop social consciousness and sensitivity to society problems,professionalism, leadership qualities, human values, gender sensitivity

Programme Outcomes for P.G. Diploma in Taxation Law

After completing the programme students should be able:

POI– To understand the core subjects of Tax Laws and the provisions andprocedures thereof

PO2– To get practical training and establish themselves as pro.

PO3 – To update their knowledge with newly emerging GST law and its legalimplications.

PO4 – To equip themselves for self- employment and establishment in tax practice.

Course Outcomes

LL.B-I /BALL.B-I Year  

Courses Course Outcomes Blooms Taxonomy Level
  After completion of the course the student will be able to:
Contract-I 1.     Define, distinguish and apply the basic concepts and terminology of the law of contract. 3
2.     Understand the general principles, definition of contract and essentials of contracts. 2
3.     Identify the relevant legal issues that arise on a given set of facts in the area of contract law 2
4.     Analyse how a contract is entered into and discharge of contract 4
5.     Summarise Specific Relief Act 1969. 2
Environmental Studies


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Appreciate the ethical, cross cultural and Historical context of Environmental issues and the link between human and natural systems.



2.     Develop a comprehensive understanding of various facets of life forms, ecological processes 4


3.     Demonstrate an integrative approach to environmental issues with a focus on sustainability, biodiversity and its conservation 3


4.     Differentiate various Environmental pollution and its mitigation. 4
5.     Aware about concepts and methods from ecological and physical sciences and their application in environmental problem solving. 2
Family Law 1


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Identify who is Hindu and who is Muslim and their sources of law.

2.     Explain various provisions regarding Hindu Marriage Act, Special Marriage Act, Maintenance provisions under CPC, Ward and Guardian Act. 2
3.     Differentiate personal laws relating to Marriage, Matrimonial remedies and Bars to matrimonial relief. 4
4.     Summarise provisions relating to family court. 2
5.     Relate Uniform Civil Code and customary Practises in the state. 4
Intellectual Property Law


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Identify International regime for the protection of Intellectual property.

2.     Illustrate law relating to copyright In India. 3
3.     Distinguish between various intellectual properties like Copyright, Trademark and Patent. 4
4.     Outline Registration Process relation to Intellectual Property. 2
5.     Explain modes of Infringement and remedies which are available in the Act. 2
Law of Torts.


1.     Demonstrate a specialised knowledge of the fundamental doctrines and principles of the law of torts and the characteristics of specific torts. 3
2.     Describe definition, nature, scope and objects of law of torts. 2
3.     Compare Evolution of law of torts in England and in India. 4
4.     Identify provisions of laws relating to Consumer Protection Act, Motor vehicle Act and Railway Act etc. 1
5.     Demonstrate Judicial Process through proceedings, procedures, evidence and trial in torts. 3
Constitution 1


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Understand the emergence and evolution of Indian Constitution.

2.     Explain the structure and composition of Indian Constitution. 2
3.     Classify the various modes of acquisition of Indian Citizenship. 3
4.     Prioritize the importance of studying Fundamental Rights and Duties 5
5.     Summarise directive principles of state policy with landmark judgements. 2
Insurance Law


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Describe the emergence and evolution of insurance laws in India.

2.     Summarise Indian Insurance Law in general. 2
3.     Illustrate Life Insurance, marine Insurance, Fire Insurance and Insurance against Accidents. 3
4.     Explain New dimension in insurance scheme. 2
5.     Recognise the insurance policies relating to goods, factories, risk of explosion, storm and tempest, glass plate, burglary and theft, goods in transit and agricultural insurance. 1
Indian Penal Code After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Classify the stages of crime and types of punishment.

2.     Summarize concepts of crime and distinguish between crime and other wrongs. 4
3.     Explain specific offences against human bodies, women, property and offences by or relating to public services. 2
4.     Illustrate new kinds of crimes such as terrorism, pollution and adulteration. 2
5.     Recognise elements of criminal liability and group liability. 1
Labour Law.


1.     Explain historical perspectives on labour laws. 2
2.     Discuss concepts, categories, merits and demerits of collective bargaining process. 2
3.     Describe various provisions of Factories act, Industrial Dispute Act, Workmen’s Compensation act. 2
4.     Critically examine the provisions relating health and safety provisions of women and children. 4
5.     Summarize International Labour Organisation and its conventions. 2
Professional Ethics.


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Identify the concept of legal professional ethics and historical evolution of it in India.

2.     Recognize meaning, kinds of accountancy for lawyers. 1
3.     Coordinate the relations between Bar and Bench. 5
4.     Summarize the provisions relating to advocates under Advocate Act 1961. 2
5.     Practise cases relating to professional misconduct in advocacy. 3
Course Outcomes


Courses Course Outcome Blooms Taxonomy Level
Criminology and Penology


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Explain criminology and describe the various factors of crime causation.

2.     Identify the merits and demerits of theories of punishment. 3
3.     Justify the desirability of capital punishment in Indian legal system. 5
4.     Describe features of whitecollar crimes, modern crimes and victimless crimes. 2
5.     Examine the Indian Prison system, its drawbacks and suggest remedial measures. 4
Constitution II


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Summarise the functioning of three wings of the government.

2.     Differentiate the legislative, administrative and financial relations between the centre and states. 4
3.     Classify emergency, proclamation and revocation of emergency, suspension of fundamental rights during proclamation and financial emergency. 3
4.     Appreciate constitutional process of adoption and alteration through various landmark judgements. 5
5.     Describe judicial process and services under the Indian Constitution. 2
Jurisprudence. After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Name the sources of law in jurisprudence.

2.     Describe nature, meaning. Normative systems and legal systems under Jurisprudence. 2
3.     Summarise various concepts like Legal right, Persons, property, possession and ownership. 2
4.     Differentiate between substantial law and procedural laws. 4
5.     Compare and contrast Various schools under jurisprudence. 4
Labour Law II


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Identify general concepts in Labour laws like Industrial applications of laws, Industrial jurisprudence, modern Industrial laws and their relations.

2.     Classify Industrial laws in general, particular and historical and legal base. 3
3.     Summarize International regime for protection of Industrial laws. 2
4.     Summarize the important provision wages legislations in reference to minimum wages Act, payment of bonus Act, Factories Act, Equal remuneration, Maternity benefit Act. 2
5.     Describe Trade Unionism as a part of Human Right to freedom of association. 2
Company Law


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Classify types of Company and responsibilities of  a managerialpersonnel.

2.     Summarize incorporation of company, prospectus and public officer, share capital and debentures. 2
3.     Understand the process of winding up of the companies, the role of securities market regulator, SEBI in regulating the affairs of listed companies to ensure good corporate governance. 2
4.     Appreciate the concept of Directors, meetings of board and its power, appointment and remuneration of managerial personnel. 4
5.     List Accounts, Audits, reestablishment of sick companies, Implication on private companies. 1
Contract II


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Identify the relevant issues arise on given set of facts in the area of contract law.

2.     Apply a range of approaches to written communication and apply the critical thinking required to bring about creative solution to complex legal problems. 3
3.     Formulate oral and written argument in responses to given set of facts. 4
4.     Explain various forms of special contracts like, indemnity, guarantee, bailment, Agency. 2
5.     Summarize various legislations relating to Contract law like Sale of Goods Act1920, Indian Partnership Act 1932, and Negotiable Instrument Act 1881. 2
Family Law-II After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Explain the concepts of Joint Hindu Family, Inheritance and Succession.

2.     Examine family laws in India and Compare various personal laws. 4
3.     Describe new property concepts such as, skill, job, etc. as a new form of property. 2
4.     Appreciate settlement of spousal property and discuss it as a need for development. 5
5.     Summarize the joint Hindu family as a social security institution and its impact. 2
Property Law


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Understand the concept of property, new property and governmental largess.

2.     Develop procedural knowledge to legal systems and solving the problems relating to specific transfer of immovable property like sale, mortgage, leases, exchange and gift. 4
3.     Explain the laws relating to Transfer of Property. 2
4.     Illustrate forms of control Urban property. 3
5.     Examine effect of recordation of property rights. 4


Course Outcomes
Courses Course Outcome Blooms Taxonomy Level
Civil  Procedure Code After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.      Differentiate between decree and judgement, decree and order.

2.      Classify jurisdiction, hierarchy, foreign judgement, institution of suit and ADR. 3
3.      Compile drafting, pleading and convincing in civil matters. 6
4.      Identify execution process, ex-party procedure, trials and interim orders. 2
5.      Outline law of limitation. 2
Environmental Laws


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.      Explain concept of environment, types of environment pollution and causes and effects of pollution.

2.      Describe constitutional approach regarding environment protection. 2
3.      Classify various legislations relating to environment protection. 3
4.      Implement policies and enforcement of law relating to town and country planning. 4
5.      Recall international regime for protection of environment. 1
Land Laws After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.      Identify Constitutional provisions relating to property.

2.      Classify various legislations relating to land laws in India. 4
3.      Recognise provisions relating to Land acquisition under The Land Acquisition Act 1894. 1
4.      Differentiate between Maharashtra Rent Control Act 1999 and The Hyderabad Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act 1948. 4
5.      Summarise the provisions of various legislations relating to land reforms in India. 2
Law of Evidence After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.      Understand the relevance and importance of law of Evidence in the adversarial process.

2.      Analyse and define the concept and general nature of evidence, and illustrate the different types of evidence and court procedures relating to evidence. 4
3.      Evaluate the rules relating to dying declaration and admissibility of dying declaration. 5
4.      Analyse the rule relating to relevance of evidence and admissibility of evidence before the court. 4
5.      Critically analyse, draft and execute a witness examination for the introduction proof into evidence. 5
Moot Court and Internship After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.      Understand how to prepare a suit and how to file in the court of law.

2.      Know the practical approaches of the legal education and its implementation while practicing. 2
3.      Draft plaints, written statement, say, affidavits. 5
4.      Refer citations during pleading. 3
5.      Appear confidently in front of court after doing internship.


Public International Law After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.      Define nature and development of international law.

2.      Classify the sources of international law and relationship between International law and Municipal Law. 3
3.      Describe state jurisdiction and State responsibility. 2
4.      Analyse the term Nationality, Extradition and Asylum. 4
5.      Identify various International institutions under UN and the laws relating to The Sea, Air and outer space. 1
Administrative Law After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.   Define Evolution, Nature and Scope of Administrative law

2.   Classify quasi-judicial and quasi legislature powers of administration. 2
3.   Summarize various types of Delegated legislations, their constitution and functions. 2
4.   Differentiate with changing dimension of administrative action in various countries. 4
5.   Illustrate quasi-judicial administration, judicial administration, tortious liabilities and contractual liabilities. 3
Criminal Procedure Code 1.     After completion of the course the student will be able to:

2.      Identify the objects and rationally of criminal procedure code and information related to investigation in cognizable and non-cognizable offences.

3.      Utilize their knowledge of Cr.P.C for informing police about cognizable and non-cognizable offences, arrest, warrant and examination of witness. 3
4.      Practice in front of court while disposal of criminal cases in stages like bail, pre-sentence hearing, judgement, execution of death sentence, imprisonment. 4
5.      Classify the rights of accused, principle of fair trial, procedure before session, magistrate, and various legislations etc. 2
6.      Distinguish inherent powers of high court in appeal, reference and revision, compensation and time limitation for cognizance of offence. 4
Drafting, Pleading and Convincing


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Differentiate general principles of drafting and relevant substantial rules.

2.     Compose various instruments of pleading like plaint, written statement and affidavit etc. 6
3.     Classify between drafting, pleading and convincing 3
4.     Draft matter of their case as per the directions of client with the help of law in a systematic manner. 3
5.     Verify various instruments of pleading like plaint, written statement and affidavit etc. 5
Income Tax Law 1.     After completion of the course the student will be able to:

2.     Recognise general perspective of principles of Income Tax Laws in India.

3.     Categorise direct and indirect taxes and various legislations relating to tax laws in India. 2
4.     Examine heads of income, income tax authorities and offences and penalties under Income Tax Act 1961. 4
5.     Demonstrate goods and service tax and changes in indirect taxation in India. 3
6.     Differentiate between Income Tax and GST. 4
International Human Rights


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Describe historical development of concept of Human Rights.

2.     Interpret Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, International Covenant on political and civil rights 1966, and International Covenant on social and cultural rights. 4
3.     Classify Human rights of various vulnerable groups 3
4.     Identify the roles of regional organizations, protection agencies and their mechanism. 2
5.     Summarize the impact, implementation and enforcement of International Human Rights norms in India. 2
Interpretation of Statutes


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Summarize principles of legislation, and rule of statutory interpretation.

2.     Carry out International Aids to interpretation of statutes. 3
3.     Distinguish between rules of statutory interpretation. 4
4.     Demonstrate presumptions in statutory interpretation, rules of statutory interpretation and maxims of statutory interpretations. 3
5.     Examine interpretation with reference to subject matter and purpose and principles of constitutional interpretation. 4


Course Outcomes
LL.M-I Year  
Courses Course Outcome Blooms Taxonomy Level
Collective violence and criminal justice system


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Describe various approaches to violence in India.

2.     Discuss agrarian violence, Repression, Telangana struggle and Arwal Massacre 2
3.     List violence against schedule caste, violence against women and other atrocities. 1
4.     Distinguish between symbolic, institutionalize and structural violence. 3
5.     Summarized role of police and para military system in dealing with communal violence 2
Comparative Criminal Procedure


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Explain hierarchy of criminal courts, jurisdiction and prosecuting agencies.

2.     Identify the rights of accused, counsel, and role of prosecutor in investigation. 1
3.     Execute various trial procedures like admissibility of evidence, appeals, plea bargaining. 4
4.     Compare various aftercare services in India and France. 5
5.     Classify preventive measures relating to Criminal Procedure Code and Public Interest Litigation. 3
Drug Addiction, Criminal Justice and Human Rights.


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Define Drugs narcotics, psychotropic substances, drug abuse.

2.     Discuss Anagraphic and social characteristics of drug users. 2
3.     Analysis of International legal regime regarding drug addiction. 4
4.     Identify problems of juvenile drug use, deployment of marginalised people as carrier of narcotics. 2
5.     Recognise the role of educational system, medical profession, mass media and community in combating drug addiction. 1
Juvenile delinquency


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Recognise various constitutional and penal provisions regarding juvenile.

2.     Determine factors of juvenile delinquency like anomie, economic and peer pressure. 2
3.     Illustrate different legislative approaches and Indian context of juvenile delinquency and implementation of juvenile justice institution. 3
4.     Summarise judicial contribution and role of legal profession in juvenile justice system, 5
5.     Illustrate preventive strategies, state welfare programs, compulsory education and role of community. 2
Law and Social Transformation In India


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Examine the Law as an instrument of social change and product of tradition and culture

2.     Identify the nature and function of Law as an institution and process interlinked with the social and economic philosophy of education. 2
3.     Examine development of law from historical processes and how for the a touch of modernisation and value can be added to legal system 4
4.     Identify the different approaches of Law and Justice 1
5.     Distinguish the different approaches of Law and Justice


Legal Education and Research Methodology


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Differentiate the various research skill, especially in the field of law

2.     To develop the skill of application of teaching methods in legal education 3
3.     Categorize the various strength and weakness of teaching learning and research process for the field of law 4
4.     To understand the procedure for preparation of research design 2
5.     To develop the skill of utilising computer technology for Legal education and Legal research. 3
Penology; Treatment of Offenders


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Identify various theories of punishment, rehabilitation and religious approaches to punishment.

2.     Classify principle types of sentences in the Penal Code and Special Laws. 2
3.     Discuss the alternatives to imprisonment and rights of prisoner and duties of custodial staff. 2
4.     Differentiate between paroles, probation, and admonition. 4
5.     Categorise Indian jail system and reformatory approach. 2
Privileged Class Deviance


After completion of the course the student will be able to:

1.     Categorise and understand notions of privileged class deviance.

2.     Distinguish various types of deviance such as official, professional, trade union, land lord, police, and electoral process. 4
3.     Critically analyse official deviance commission reports. 5
4.     Summarise police deviance – encounter killing, third degree, police atrocities, rape and gender based aggression by police. 2


      NAAC Coordinator                IQAC Coordinator                 I/c Principal