Institutional preparedness for NEP

• To realize the noble visions of the NEP-2020, Dayanand College of Law, Latur has conducted two One Day Workshops on NEP for discussion about new concepts and implementation strategies for NEP by inviting experts from academic and administration.

• As a part of these practical efforts, College has decided to promote and implement various interdisciplinary programmes such as BBA LLB apart from its existing, BALLB, DTL and other interdisciplinary courses bridging Law & Social Sciences.

• In addition to this, Dayanand College of Law, Latur has fully opted and encouraged students to elect CBCS modules of the Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded the affiliating university.

• In addition to these academic university level interdisciplinary courses college has started its own interdisciplinary courses such as – Certificate Course in Advocacy Skills, drawing and utilizing expertise from diverse disciplines not only in practical, workable syllabus designing but also for actual teaching and training.

• The college already has interdisciplinary P G Diploma in Taxation Law, PG Diploma in Intellectual Property, PG Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution.

• The college plans to start Value added / Certificate Course in Social Lawyering, Mediation in Family Disputes, Cyber Security and Certificate Course on Law and Medical Jurisprudence.

• Appointment of many of our teachers on the BoS of the University has also enabled us in devising more interdisciplinary courses ensuring liberty to teachers to devise their own best teaching approaches to achieve the intended aims of these courses.

• At the institution level, college has been constantly organizing seminar and training courses utilizing expertise of luminaries from legal, corporate, law & order, social, industrial, and
professional sectors ensuring that our law students are practically exposed to diverse sectors wherein they will be contributing in future.

• Dayanand College of Law, Latur is also committed for social transformation through free legal aid. Many of our students and alumni work as para-legal volunteers with District Legal Services Authority.

• Many other of our law students dedicate fixed weekly hours for providing free legal aid and services to the needy in local vicinity.

• Most of our LLM students are engaged in researching the local socio-legal problems in the local surroundings and have been recommending effective legal remedies to overcome the same.

• The College plans to take up research projects on contemporary socio-legal issues in collaboration with NGOs, experts from various other disciplines.

• To promote excellence in teaching and learning and make the process interdisciplinary, focus will be given on more collaboration with other related disciplines and collaborative research projects facilitating multidimensional academic growth of students.

• Dedicated Centers of our college such as Legal Aid Clinic, Women Studies Centre, Center for have been constantly dedicating their research and socio-legal services to find solutions to society’s pressing issues and challenges.

• Recognition of our work by Government and Non-Government Organizations in the form of Appreciation letters received reflects our commitment and our best practices for utilizing our human and legal resources for the betterment of our society.

• The NEP-2020 also proposes the Academic Bank of Credits for the institutions. In compliance with the same, Dayanand College of Law, Latur has registered itself under the Academic Bank of Credits to reap the benefits of digitalization and provide ease for students in their academic credit system.

• All the students of Dayanand College of Law, Latur have their ABC accounts which facilitates the institutions as well as students as institution, from where a student has done any CBCS course, can easily credit the same in his/her account and same benefits students as their credits automatically find place in their ABC accounts.

• As the NEP envisages global standards in education through international collaboration, Dayanand College of law, Latur is working on the academic collaboration with national and overseas institutions.

• Legal education being professional course demands special focus on professional skills development in courtroom environment along with the training in knowledge of law in the classroom settings.

• As the NEP emphasizes of this practical skills development aspect, Dayanand College of Law, Latur through its Curricula in law subjects has fully integrated these skills related aspects in it.

• Syllabus and the assessment of law subjects is designed in such a way that ensures the training and development of practical professional legal advocacy skills required for the law students as compulsory courses.

• Courses such as Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) not only ensures theoretical background of ADR mechanisms in the class but also trains law students in various modes of ADR through practical sessions as well as by exposing and participation in Lok Adalats, Family Court Mediation Centre, DLSA, mediation center.

• Course in Drafting & Pleading ensures that students have mastered all the nuances of effective and persuasive drafting of notices, plaints and W.S. The course is assessed through practical drafting assignments which confirms that law students have mastered the required legal drafting skills.

• Course in Moot Court focusses mainly on problem based learning training students in mooting, pleading, legal research skills. Compulsory Internships under advocates enhances the skills.

• Courses in Professional Ethics and Legal Aid also cover the practical professional skills development through practical activities such as legal awareness programmes by these law students for different classes of society whereby they demonstrate their community lawyering skills.

• To ensure that our law students excel in the legal profession and to develop their employability skills, Dayanand College of Law, Latur provides free courses in Communication and Soft Skills, free training programmes in Advocacy Skills and market needs oriented courses such as LLM in Business Law which trains and ensures law students opportunities in constantly growing corporate sector.

• Following the guidelines of BCI and in compliance of NEP-2020, law students are also encouraged and trained in how to establish their own Legal Start-Ups, Law Firms, Legal Education Centre and other Legal LLP firms.

• Dayanand College of Law, Latur has been constantly organizing specialized certificate courses, seminars, workshops, and training programmes not only to equip our law students with practical professional skills but also develop in them the core professional, ethical and cultural values which help transform them not only into bright national building individuals but also into law abiding citizens of world respecting diversities and promoting universal peace, love and mutual respect.

• Effective pedagogy is the one which is localized and contextualized. To ensure that academic needs of our students who hail from rural background, are met, teachers are encouraged to localize and contextualize their teaching incorporating local language, culture and customs into their teaching approaches and methods and illustrations.

• Our traditional Indian knowledge system is blended with modern, digitalized, technology integrated pedagogical teaching and learning approaches to reap the benefits of traditional knowledge through modern day innovations.

• College conducts and will continue to arrange more focused awareness and sensitization programs to inculcate the Indian culture and values like ahimsa, truth, humanity, patriotism etc in collaboration with NGOs and institutions working in these areas.

• Various programmes and trainings are conducted on yoga.

• Dedicated Cultural Department of Dayanand College of Law, Latur has been endlessly striving to explore hidden artistic potentials in our law students by training and organizing cultural events.

• Our Law students’ outstanding performances and awards in Indian artistic and cultural events, competitions and conclaves are testimonies of the dedicated efforts cultural department takes in nourishing, encouraging, and exploring cultural aspects.

• Focus on Outcome based education (OBE) • In consonance with the UGC-Outcome based Education, the College delivers curriculum based on Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) aligned with the Vision, Mission, and Goals of the Institution.

• The POs and COs are framed based on Bloom’s Taxonomy describing and attending to different learning levels of students.

• To achieve the outcomes of Courses and Programs, along with the traditional pedagogy, student centric methodologies have been adopted to achieve the outcomes as per learning need and levels of the students

• Quest for imparting quality, professional skills based, and practical needs oriented dynamic legal education has been the motto of Dayanand College of Law, Latur since its inception.

• To tune the same with NEP-2020 framework, College has designed various new courses focusing on employability like P G Diploma in Taxation Law, PG Diploma in Intellectual Property, PG Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution ensuring the desired outcomes are met.

• The college aims to extend more industry/ Bar Association collaborations to train students in nuances of practical skills and market needs in various avenues.

• Equipping law students with required employability skills in the prevalent competitive job market through certificate, diploma and specialized LLM courses, outcome-based education has been attempted to be realized.

• To make the institution compatible with the goals of NEP-2020 and to impart legal education utilizing latest pedagogical technology tools, Dayanand College of Law, Latur has constantly modernized its classrooms with Smartboards and all the related content delivery tech-systems.

• Teaching content and study material delivery, e-library infrastructure and self-paced learning system has been adopted digitalizing almost every aspect of teaching, learning and assessment.

• Seminars of National and International experts using online platforms like Microsoft teams app, Google Meet, Zoom etc have been arranged for law students’ academic multidimensional growth which NEP-2020 envisages to accomplish.

• The College is willing to start Distance Education Courses after affiliation of the University.