Electoral Reform

Institutional Initiatives for Electoral Literacy

• Electoral Literacy Club is set up in Dayanand College of Law, Latur with the primary objective of :

• Sensitizing the students’ community about the democratic values of India and the value of their votes in the election.

• Educating the voters to build a truly participative democracy, to spread voter awareness with basic knowledge related to the electoral process and to promote voter literacy among eligible citizens to vote and make an informed decision during the election.

• The students are encouraged to register for the voting and cast their vote as well. The club organizes awareness Programs by inviting the district election officer. We also conduct the debate ,elocution essay writing competition to create awareness of democratic setup and electoral procedures.

The Dayanand Electoral Literacy Club is functional and representative of teachers, staff, and students from all programs The office bearers are as follows : Sr No. Name of the office bearer Designation Functional Role in the Club 1 Dr P P Nathani Principal (Incharge) Chairperson 2 Shri Katekar U U Assistant Professor Co-ordinator 3 Shri Shamrao Patil Assistant Professor Additional Co-ordinator 4 Shri D G Joshi Office Superintendent Member, Nonteaching Representative 5 Mr Sunil D Gaikwad LLM I yr student Member, Student Representative 6 Mr Chinmay Padkonde LLB II year student Member, Student Representative 7 Miss Shivani Kulkarni BSL IV Member, Student Representative 8 Miss Priya Mule BSL II Member, Student Representative

Activities conducted by ELC OF Dayanand College of the Law, Latur.

• Courses of the curriculum like Political Obligation, Constitutional Law teach the students the participatory democracy, its values, political process, Rule of Law, importance of free and fair elections etc

• Every year, Constitution Day is observed to remind all parties involved of the vow and the ideals of democracy imbibed in the Indian Constitution as an inviolable basic feature and rights and duty of the citizen.

• Every year, National Voter Day and Republic Day are observed to inform interested parties on their role in elections.

• Apart from the celebrations, National Webinar on ‘Matdanacha adhikar–Lokshahicha aadhar’ (Voting right- Bedrock of Democracy) was conducted on 25.01.2022 Dr Santosh Patil, Head of Department, Political Science, Dayanand College of Arts, Latur was invited to deliver speech underlining the importance of voting in democracy for students and staff.

• Guest Lecture was organized on topic ‘Voter awareness -Need of the Hour’ by inviting Dr Balaji Gutte

• Voter registration drives by inviting District Election Officers for students and staff and awareness about the process of linking the Adhar Card with Voter ID card also informed about Voter Helpline App.

• Legal Awareness drives in nearby villages for education relating to voting registration, process etc

• The Dayanand Electoral Literacy Cell has taken up awareness campaign about the importance and process of election.

• The students have conducted LLM Dissertation on Election process.

• Students of the college under the PAN India Legal Awareness and Outreach Programme have conducted awareness about voting rights in villages.

• Every year, Constitution Day is observed to remind all parties involved of the vow and the ideals of democracy imbibed in the Indian Constitution as an inviolable basic feature and rights and duty of the citizen.

• Every year, National Voter Day and Republic Day are observed to inform interested parties on their role in elections.