College Development Committee
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Shri. Laxmiraman Lahoti | President, CDC |
2. | Shri. Arvindrao Sonwane | Member, Social Work |
3. | Shri. Adv. Ashish.C. Bajpai | Member, Education Expert |
4. | Shri. Adv. Shrikant Utage | Member, Researcher, Alumnus |
5. | Shri. Sanjay Bora | Member, Industrialist |
6. | Shri. Sudarshan Bhangdiya (CA) | Member, CDC |
7. | Shri. Ramesh G. Biyani | Secretary, DES |
8. | Dr. Poonam P. Nathani | I/C Principal, Secretary CDC |
9. | Dr. Namadev D. Jadhav | Representative of Gents Teachers |
10. | Dr. Shubhangi V. Panchal | Representative of Ladies Teachers |
11. | Dr. Gopal G. Panchal | IQAC Co-ordinator |
12. | Shri. Dhanraj G. Joshi | Representative of Non Teaching Staff |